Our paper is just published in January JMIRO!

Key Messages:

Urinary symptoms were present in 65% of women who were treated for Pelvic Congestion Syndrome.

Pelvic Vein Embolisation improved bladder symptoms in 75% of women treated.

Big Question: Have we found a potential cure for Interstitial Cystitis / Painful Bladder Syndrome?

Venous Embolisation for Interstitial cystitis Painful Bladder Syndrome

Venous Embolisation for Interstitial cystitis Painful Bladder Syndrome


Interstitial Cystitis or Painful Bladder Syndrome is a frustrating condition for patients and doctors

Chronic bladder symptoms are pelvic discomfort, urgency, frequency and sense of incomplete emptying.

Many women were treated as “UTIs” but bacterial cultures were often negative.

There were no effective or specific treatments for this debilitation condition.

Take A Look of our paper just published in JMIRO Jan 2025 by clicking the link here:

2025 PCS and Bladder Symptoms

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