Fibroids are very common benign tumour of the uterus. Many women prefer to avoid a hysterectomy to deal with their fibroid symptoms. How can doctors be sure that the fibroid is not the very rare nasty (cancerous) variety. Until recently, there has been no reliable way to tell. Women and their doctors might keep worrying about this remote possibility if the fibroid is not removed. But not anymore.

Dr Liang told the radiologists attending the conference that French researchers has validated a reliable way to apply MRI algorithm to pick out the very rare nasty uterine wall tumours called sarcomas.

Fibroids are very common and sarcomas are exceedingly rare.

Now that sarcomas can be reliably diagnosed, women can be reassured if they wish to avoid a hysterectomy to deal with fibroid symptoms.

This is a great news for women who are suffering from menstrual issues and pressure symptoms due to fibroids. Women might now want to consider UFE as an alternative to hysterectomy. UFE is non-surgical, less invasive and without the long-term side-effects of a hysterectomy.

Find out more about UFE and see case studies:



MRI Evaluation of Uterine Masses for Risk of Leiomyosarcoma: A Consensus Statement

Radiology 2023; 306(2):e211658


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