In this article we will look at the various options for how to treat fibroid symptoms without surgery. You might have already explored or tried many of these treatments but it may be surprising to learn there are some on this list that you haven’t even heard about.

If you’re suffering from uterine fibroids, you’re certainly not alone. Many Australian women experience debilitating symptoms caused by fibroids like heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pressure and bladder symptoms.

If you have asked your doctor treatment options, it is possible you have been told to put up with it, wait for menopause, or have a hysterectomy.

For obvious reasons these options are less than ideal, so you might be considering what are the best non-surgical options to shrink fibroids. If so, we hope this article will help you.

Table of contents:

  1. Medicines for Fibroids
  2. Mirena IUD
  3. Magnetic Resonance-guided Focused Ultrasound
  4. Uterine fibroid embolisation (UFE)
  5. Final thoughts

Medicines for Fibroids

Medications help alleviate symptoms of heavy bleeding but don’t shrink fibroid size.

There are several medications prescribed to help alleviate symptom of heavy bleeding associated with uterine fibroids, but they don’t shrink fibroid size.

Such medications include:

  • Tranexamic acid,
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),
  • Birth control pills,
  • Progesterone agents

You may have also read about Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) which is commonly mentioned as a medical fibroid treatment. It is often prescribed prior to surgery to help reduce fibroid size but its use is generally limited to six months and fibroids usually regrow after the medication has stopped being taken.

You can read a more detailed article about these medications here.

Mirena IUD

Mirena IUD can help relieve heavy periods.

Mirena is the brand name of an IUD device (Intrauterine Device). It is traditionally used as a contraceptive device that is inserted into the uterus and is effective for five years.

Mirena IUD slowly releases progestogen. Like the other medications in this list, the Mirena IUD can help relieve heavy periods. However the device does not shrink fibroids nor does it stop fibroid growth.

You can read a more detailed article about Mirena IUD here.

Magnetic Resonance-guided Focused Ultrasound

Magnetic Resonance-guided Focused Ultrasound or MRgFUS.

Magnetic Resonance-guided Focused Ultrasound or MRgFUS for short, uses tiny spots of  heat energy to destroy fibroid.

While it is a minimally-invasive technique, it has to be planned very carefully to avoid damage to healthy tissue inside the body.

It is also worth noting that this technique has its limitations. In order to avoid damage to adjacent organ, MRgFUS is not suitable for:

  • Fibroids too close to the skin
  • Fibroids too close to the spine
  • Fibroids too close to the bowels

Also, multiple fibroids and large fibroids are usually not suitable due to long procedure time.

Read more about MRgFUS here.

Uterine Fibroid Embolisation (UFE)

UFE (Uterine Fibroid Embolisation) to shrink fibroids and alleviate fibroid symptoms.

UFE (Uterine Fibroid Embolisation), also known as UAE (Uterine Artery Embolisation), is a
minimally invasive radiological procedure that will shrink fibroids and alleviate fibroid symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding, period pain, pelvic pressure and bladder issues.

It’s possible you have never even heard of this treatment as unfortunately it is often not on the radar of many GP’s and gynaecologists.

The advantage of UFE compared to other treatments on this list is that UFE not only alleviates symptoms but it also treats fibroids at the source. It does this by blocking the blood supply to fibroids by injecting tiny particles through a catheter, guided by a specialist radiologist. As the fibroids shrink and die, symptoms are alleviated.

Approximately 90% of patients who undergo the procedure are satisfied with the outcome. Many studies have shown that UFE is as effective as hysterectomy in alleviating fibroid symptoms. UFE really is one of the most effective ways to shrink fibroids without surgery.

See how before and after UFE case studies:

UFE Case Studies

For more information on UFE as a uterine fibroid treatment,  click the link to UFE FAQs

Final Thoughts

Medications are a logical first choice for many Australian women to treat their fibroid issues. These treatments are commonly available and in many cases easily prescribed or administered by your GP or gynaecologist.

While these treatments can improve your quality of life, they might only be masking the symptoms and can come with side effects.

It is well worth considering uterine fibroid embolisation (UFE) as an effective minimally invasive treatment that shrinks fibroids without surgery. UFE deals with fibroids at the source, has proven to be very safe and effective, with only a few short-term side effects that can be managed.

Hopefully as the medical community becomes more aware of the procedure, it can be another treatment option to help you shrink fibroids without surgery.


Learn more about non surgical treatments here.

Learn more about UFE here.

Contact us to find out if you are a good candidate for UFE.

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