UFE Shrinking Fibroid Case Studies
Sydney Fibroid Clinic has aided a number of women in achieving uterine fibroids relief, enjoying regular activities, and leading an ordinary lifestyle.
Read our UFE Fibroid Shrinking case studies below.Fibroids Case Studies
Case Study 1
A 44-year-old lady with severe, heavy menstrual period required a super-pad change every two hours. She had tried medications, such as tranexamic acid, but they did not help. She chose to have UFE to keep her uterus intact. At six months post-UFE her fibroid had shrunk from 138ml to 51ml, her heavy period resolved and she was ‘ecstatic’ with results.
Case Study 2
A 38-year-old busy mother of two with severe, heavy menstrual bleeding required pad and tampon changes every hour for the heavy three days of her period. She also suffered from bladder symptoms and severe period pain. She felt she was too young to have a hysterectomy and chose to have UFE instead. Her fibroid shrank from 87ml to only 2ml. Her periods are now ‘amazingly light’ and she is extremely happy with the UFE outcome.
Case Study 3
A 43-year-old teacher with a bulging tummy complained of bloating and pressure, urinary frequency and night-time urination. She was well and healthy otherwise, and uninterested in major surgery. The marked reduction of fibroid volume went from 533ml to 211ml at six-month progress. The fibroid is no longer viable, seen as the dark signal without contrast enhancement; note the normal looking viable enhancing myometrium M. All her symptoms have resolved and she is glad that she can now fit her jeans again.
Case Study 4
A 48-year-old doctor’s wife suffered from severe, heavy menstrual bleeding, anaemia and low iron. She failed tranexamic acid but was not interested in long-term hormone pills. She had hysteroscopic removal of two intracavitary fibroids and insertion of a Mirena IUD. She continued to suffer from HMB but declined a hysterectomy. Her pre-UFE MRI showed numerous fibroids denoted as F. The fibroids became non-viable and shrunken, seen as non-enhancing dark nodules, while the uterine volume reduced from 781ml to 349ml. Her periods become very light and she is very happy: ‘UFE changed my life’.