Our Publications
Sydney Fibroid Clinic is dedicated to furthering knowledge, awareness and research of minimally invasive, interventional radiology procedures in women’s healthcare.
The following resources are designed to provide patients and their doctors with information on safe, effective treatment solutions to fibroids, adenomyosis and pelvic congestion syndrome.
In Fibroids
An Interventional Radiology Alternative to Hysterectomy Medical Republic 2019
A Clinical Article by Dr Eisen Liang and Bevan Brown from Sydney Fibroid Clinic was published in October 2019 issue of Medical Republic. The aim of the paper is to raise awareness of uterine fibroid embolisation as an alternative to hysterectomy.
Please click the following link to read the article ( No need to login, just click X to close off the log in page):
Alternatively, check out he PDF version.
How To Treat Fibroid Australian Doctor 2015
A 5000 word comprehensive article published by the Australian Doctor GP magazine, authored by Dr Eisen Liang and Dr Bevan Brown of Sydney Fibroid Clinic, outlining the modern approach to treatment of uterine fibroids, with emphasis on minimally invasive therapies.
UAE For Fibroid and Adenomyosis ANZJOG 2012
An original paper by Dr Eisen Liang and Dr Bevan Brown et al reporting the Australian experience using UAE to treat Fbroids and Adenomyosis, published in the 2012 ANZJOG.
- Fact Sheets for Referring Doctors
In Adenomyosis
UAE for Adenomyosis in Women with Prior Endometrial Ablation Failure
Key Messages:
Pain can be worse after ablation for adenomyosis
Hysterectomy is NOT the only solution after ablation failure
UAE is highly effective in alleviating pain and heavy bleeding associated with failed endometrial ablation for adenomyosis
The Big question: Should endometrial ablation ever be offered to women with adenomyosis?
Take a look of our paper:
USG missed many cases of Adenomyosis in the community Setting
Key Messages:
Ultrasound missed nearly half of adenomyosis cases diagnosed by MRI.
Missing the proper diagnosis of adenomyosis might have mislead gynaecologists
to perform endometrial ablation which can cause more pain.
When Fibroids are present, ultrasound missed even more adenomyosis.
Mistaken focal adenomyosis as fibroid can mislead the surgeons trying to remove the adenomyosis which is a infiltrative disease and almost impossible to clear out completely.
Without proper diagnosis to guide IVF doctors to apply treatment of adenomyosis, many women might have gone through futile IVF cycles without success,
Learn more:
Our Book "Could it be Adenomyosis? The Bad Cousin of Endometriosis" 1st Ed 2021
Could it be Adenomyosis?
The (Bad) Cousin of Endometriosis
And Unsuspecting Cause of Heavy Painful PeriodsBy Dr Eisen Liang with Dr Bevan Brown
All you need to know about this little-known condition and how to get your life back without a hysterectomy.
Check out the free sampler to see if this is the information you need to change your life.
Paperback and eBook available on Amazon, eBay, Booktopia and other major outlets.
Download free ebook sampler
- UAE for Adenomyosis Long Term Durability ANZJOG 2021
Adenomyosis: The poor Cousin of Endometriosis Medical Republic 2020
Just Published! Adenomyosis: The poor Cousin of Endometriosis
Heavy Menstrual Bleeding on top of debilitating Period Pain. Here is how to diagnose and treat AdenoTo view this article, click the following link, when prompted to register, just click X on the top right hand corner to close and ignore the Medical Republic Register Form window.
To View a PDF copy:
Adenomyosis_ The poor cousin of endometriosis • The Medical Republic
How To Treat Adenomyosis Australian Doctor 2019
Comprehensive review article aimed at GPs to raise awareness of adenomyosis. Modern approach to diagnosis and treatment are discussed.
The Reference list is Provided here:
UAE for Adenomyosis ANZJOG 2018
Clinical research paper concluding that UAE is a safe and effective treatment alternative to hysterectomy
A Clinical Audit on the Efficacy and Safety of Uterine Artery Embolisation for Symptomatic Adenomyosis: Results in 117 Women.
Abstract and Video Abstract
View PDF of the Paper
Management of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: Role of UAE SAN Doctor
Management of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: The Role of Uterine Artery Embolisation
- Adenomyosis: A Potentially Missed, Neglected and Inappropriately Managed Condition
UAE For Fibroid and Adenomyosis ANZJOG 2012
Efficacy of Uterine Artery Embolisation for Treatment of Symptomatic Fibroids and Adenomyosis – An Interim Report on an Australian Experience
In Pelvic Congestion Syndrome
Have we found a potential cure for Interstitial Cystitis?
Key Messages:
Urinary symptoms were present in 65% of women who were treated for Pelvic Congestion Syndrome.
Pelvic Vein Embolisation improved bladder symptoms in 75% of women treated.
Big Question: Have we found a potential cure for Interstitial Cystitis / Painful Bladder Syndrome?
Interstitial Cystitis or Painful Bladder Syndrome is a frustrating condition for patients and doctors
Chronic bladder symptoms are pelvic discomfort, urgency, frequency and sense of incomplete emptying.
Many women were treated as “UTIs” but bacterial cultures were often negative.
There were no effective or specific treatments for this debilitation condition.
Take A Look of our Abstract:
A KIS Embolisation Strategy to Treat Pelvic Congestion Syndrome
A keep-it-simple embolisation strategy to treat Pelvic Congestion Syndrome without compromising clinical effectiveness.
Key Messages:
Pelvic Congestion Syndrome can be effectively treated by Venous Embolisation
Only refluxing veins need to be treated. There is no need to embolising non-refluxing ovarian or pelvic veins
Expensive retractable colis, use of occlusion balloons and extensive empirical embolisation of all bilateral ovarian and internal iliac veins are NOT necessary for clinically effective outcome.
Abstract for Presentation at CIRSE 2024 Lisbon
Pelvic Congestion Syndrome Article In Medical Republic GP Magazine 2021
Pelvic Congestion Syndrome: Are we missing the diagnosis?
View the PDF:
Pelvic Congestion Syndrome Medical Republic
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Search for Pelvic Congestion Syndrome
- Pelvic Congestion Syndrome Patient Information Brochure By Dr Eisen Liang
Our "Keep-It-Simple" approach to Treat PCS Published
Our Key Messages:
Left ovarian vein is the commonest refluxing vein causing PCS.
Right ovarian vein and iliac vein reflux are far less common.
Empirically embolising all ovarian and pelvic veins for PCS might not be necessary to achieve a good clinical outcome.
Our KIS approach is safe and effective, with implications in saving cost, radiation and procedure time.
Check out our paper, it is on Open Access to reach out to all IRs in the world.
It is our duty as medical professionals to offer all available options to patients.
To learn more about our research and procedures in interventional radiology and gynaecology, view our staff of doctors.
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