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Ultrasound often missed Adenomyosis in community setting-New Research Confirmed
Many women suffering from heavy and painful periods are frustrated without a definitive diagnosis. Adenomyosis might

Hysterectomy is no longer the only solution: UAE for Adenomyosis in Women who Failed Endometrial Ablation
It’s Published! UAE for Ablation Failure Check out our paper here: Key Messages: Pain c

UFE vs Hysterectomy Comparison
How does UFE (Uterine Fibroids Embolisation) compare with hysterectomy? Here's a summary table comparing UFE and hyst

UFE vs Hysterectomy: How does UFE (Uterine Fibroid Embolisation) compare with Hysterectomy?
UFE vs Hysterectomy: How does UFE (Uterine Fibroid Embolisation) compare with Hysterectomy? Introduction: When i

New MRI algorithm to make sure fibroids are benign: Dr Eisen Liang addressing diagnostic radiologists at ARGANZ 2024 Meeting in Melbourne
Fibroids are very common benign tumour of the uterus. Many women prefer to avoid a hysterectomy to deal with their fibro

Great News for women who want to avoid hysterectomy for fibroids: New Research established reliable way to rule out nasty uterine tumours
French researchers established a reliable MRI assessment algorithm to rule out a very rare nasty tumour of the uterus th

Should hysterectomy be performed to prevent uterine cancers?
New MRI assessment algorithms should be used to distinguish fibroids from cancerous growths, allowing women to avoid unn

Hysterectomy Risks and Side Effects
An Evidence-Based Biased Opinion by Eisen Liang Hysterectomy is a major surgical operation that requires general anaest