April is the Adenomyosis Awareness Month!
Key Messages to all women about Adenomyosis:
- Adenomyosis can co-exist with Endometriosis
- Adenomyosis causes heavy menstrual bleeding in addition to period pain.
- Laparoscopy might clear endo but will not cure adenomyosis which is in the wall of the uterus.
- Ablation might worsen period pain.
- Mirena is effective in a majority of women.
- UAE is a highly effective non-surgical alternative to hysterectomy.
Learn more about Adeno today.
Read the powerful women’s stories highlighting the importance of early diagnosis and how to get your life back without a Hysterectomy.
Get to know about UAE-potentially a life changing procedure for many women with adenomyosis, helping 95 % women to avoid a hysterectomy.https://youtu.be/uL_r2lBsWMA?si=nosOAuuTuUy1lLbL
Download this content-rich free PDF book sampler “Could it be Adenomyosis? The (Bad) Cousin of Endometriosis An Unsuspected Cause of Heavy Painful Periods.”